Excited to see how the pro-White factions in the south and the east may play out.

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Aug 13·edited Aug 13Author

When it comes to the right-wing ideological factions, I've tried to keep it a thorough mix between cynical pragmatic militia regimes, absolutely insane kill-people-ist warbands, weird goofy eccentric militias, and genuinely benevolent and well-ordered factions that have a more austere and traditional vision for the future than the centrist/apolitical rump governments. I'm trying to be more neutral here and portray the wider range of possibilities and outcomes. Most factions, however well or ill intentioned, do have some kind of fly in their ointment, or long-term problems that might cause trouble down the line if they can't solve them now.

For what it's worth, I try to give the benefit of the doubt to all of these faction types, with both cynical and well-intentioned actors. Even the leftists aren't a monolithic block, and have different goals and different ways of attaining them. Once we start seeing more leftist factions, they'll range from "woke" student revolts, to weird idealistic attempts at rationally ordering a society, to strong-willed Red Army types, to insane genocidal Stalin purge realms. There are even some warlord realms that aren't that bad to live under, if you mind your p's and q's.

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