This is awesome

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So true

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Teh PETRIXXX Show lore is interesting too. It diverges from our timeline in 1488 when Pope Constantine II united italy under a catholic federation, leading to the colonization of Florida by the Italians. This country later falls in the 1700s and a battle in Florida causes a rock to fly into space which hits a ufo containing retardium, causing Florida to become a retarded realm and causes it's inhabitants to act like classic smg4/kitty0706 characters. In the 1920s, Mario comes from the future in a tripod and turns the country into a giant mutated cartoon kingdom where the once normal & realistic humans are now split between the Toads (third human, third gnome, third blocklandian) and the Floridians (half human, half blocklandian). A century later, a young teenager known as Bobert Mann is enjoying lunch at school with his friends when Sunny Omori comes out of a portal and attempts to prevent him from establishing the Confederate American Empire by shooting him, but this backfires and Sunny ends up getting beaten up and his world-traveling device is taken by Bman, who uses it to contact Hyperborea and the Empire of Mennkind (like the rick and morty world but for gman from half life) and he convinces the empires to help him start a war against the Omori regime in America, which took control after he escaped earth and is Hellbent on destroying all elements of Christianity and the white race (for example, you can't clap your hands anymore because you make the praying hand gesture for 0.5 seconds). The alliance's hyper-advanced technology wins leading to the rise of Emperor Bobert I (though he is usually called Bman) and the Confederate American Empire. The world's response to the second civil war led to WW3, consisting of every right wing country being at war with every left wing country while other countries fall into a left vs right civil war, with their factions being at war with other countries. It ends in 2036 with the right faction being victorious but very splintered (such as western europe being balkanized and being split between fascists and monarchists). Bman would get married to a Hyperborean tradwife (I haven't decided her name yet so just call her Bwoman for now) and rules a greater America. Mario, Luigi, Toad & Bowser were extremely helpful to the royalists defeating SMG4's marxist dictatorship and restoring Regent Princess Peach. The show is set 20 years in the future during a period of peace and prosperity, focusing on the spine-ticking, knee-slapping, jimmy-rustling adventures of Mario and Emperor Bman, and can be seen on my Youtube!

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Also Sunny Omori and his fag friends are still alive and took over China after their control of America collapsed. They are building up for a potential WW4 and constantly try to fuck with Bman's life.

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Oh Hel yea, I am glad I found your stack. All you iFunny chads are based.

You might appreciate this. I just posted it this morning, and then found your series. Something is in the air. https://open.substack.com/pub/aidanmacmillan/p/war-never-changes?r=318imj&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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I like that first map in your post, especially the flags. Did you make it? I’d like to do flags for this series, but I’m just not a good enough flag-maker and there are way too many flags to draw and too many entities that don’t/can’t really have flags.

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https://flagmaker-print.com/ No i did not make that map. Here is one possible resource you could use though. I am certain there are more.

I've been working on a post-apocalyptic fantasy/horror book for about seven years now. I am no where near completion, but I also chose to make it an epic that spans two thousand years after the apocalypse, and I include a solar flare.

I hand draw all my maps. Maybe I will post those someday. You have inspired me!

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St. Mary's KS should be a Catholic enclave. The SSPX basically control the town.

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Very good to know. I’ve done a lot of research for this project but still need people to give me tips like this. I’ll try to work this in if I can help it.

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Liked by Wolliver

There is a similar enclave around Our Lady of Clear Creek Abbey northwest of Tahlequah. The community of monks have attracted a sizeable number of traditional Catholic homesteaders. I don't think there are tons of them, but that region is sparsely populated so they would almost certainly be the largest organized group after the Cherokee.

The students of IU going full SSR is funny. They would probably be waging a perpetual war against the chuds in their own land. Martinsville and Bedford were very working class from my impression of those towns. Very similar to Seymour. Perhaps you could join Lebanon aka Purdue with IU and Greencastle aka DePauw and then through in a few warlords. I used to travel most of Indiana for work.

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Oklahoma is a central region to the story, so I'm surprised I don't know about the Tahlequah Catholics. The Cherokee have a fairly tight grasp on the region after a lot of fighting took place there, especially against the Elohim City people. But Roman Catholicism still plays a very important role in Oklahoma in several different ways.

The student revolt factions are their own thing. Since most leftists are so heavily concentrated in urban areas, very few of them would realistically survive. But I want to have some variety so I looked for notable college towns that could maybe somehow foster student revolts. The main idea is that they ride to power off the backs of incoming refugees from the destroyed urban centers, and exploit the power vacuum left by the absence of higher government authority (there is no direct successor to the State of Indiana, for example).

A lot of the fate of the country is just luck of the draw: who won the early fights in the period of total Mad Max chaos during the Nuclear Winter and thus got their foot in the door for the more settled warlord period. But generally you see a lot more far-right militias than left-wing movements, and far more apolitical warlords than both of them combined.

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Yeah it makes sense.

Here is an article about Clear Creek. I guess there are about 200 of them, so not a big community but like I said, there aren't that many people out there.


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Border gore america!

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can I play

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No mom said it’s my turn on the Xbox

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This sounds cool, have you read my post collapse short stories on here?

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No, I didn’t know you had any. I’ll have to check them out.

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and the MENA regions? did they die out from the terror response? or did they somehow cling by aligning themselves with anti-american nations?

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Already war-torn from decades of conflict. Pretty much all of these countries participated in the Great War whether they wanted to or not (at the very least, due to Israel’s Sampson Doctrine, to destroy as much of the Middle East with nuclear weapons as they can in the event of an Israeli downfall). Still, the warmer climate was a boon during the nuclear winter, helping bolster the otherwise-low rate of survival.

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What's going on in europe?

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Western Europe suffered very badly; worse than the United States, as it was an active war zone by the very last days of the war. Denser population = more targets, less resources to feed the people who survive the bombs.

Britain has continuity of government with a monarchy based on Holyhead Island in the Irish Sea (I might mention them in detail later on). Their hold on the British mainland is tenuous though, and most of its population lives in northern Wales and southeast England.

Ireland is a military dictatorship perpetually at war with Protestant guerrillas in occupied Ulster.

France is divided, but most of the “Empty Diagonal” (now ironically home to most of its population) is controlled by a powerful warlord who calls himself the President of the French Seventh Republic.

Spain is divided between warlords and ideological factions. Portugal is similarly divided, with a fascist monarchy in the north, the Azores-based Republic in the center, and warlords in the south.

Switzerland actually survived intact and is doing quite well. They were neutral, and still suffered some nuclear strikes, but Switzerland is a very self-reliant country and has robust contingency plans for a nuclear war, with the most fallout shelters per capita in the world.

Belgium and the Netherlands are sparsely populated; the Dutch monarchy exists in exile in the Caribbean.

Germany is very, very sparsely populated. Much of its surviving habitable territory is controlled by warlords descended from the remnants of the occupying US and Russian armies.

Italy is another divided and war torn land. The Vatican City no longer exists, and the Papacy is now located in São Paulo, the wealthiest country in the world and formerly a part of Brazil.

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What nigger nuked the vatican?!

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Pretty much all major cities, including holy sites, of all involved parties were involved. This was a war with 1980s-level nuclear stockpiles.

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Who nuked it? Was it France? I doubt the Russian Empire, a christian civilization, would nuke such a holy land. Does the Pope rule Sao Paulo?

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

No, the Pope is just a guest in São Paulo, albeit a very influential one. Rome was destroyed less because it’s the seat of the Papacy and more because Rome is the capital of the Italian state, and you need to destroy foreign centers of leadership.

Russia might be hesitant to glass Rome (maybe not that hesitant, given what Latins once did to Constantinople), but other nuclear-armed powers in the Russian-led alliance were not; Iran, Pakistan, China, North Korea. Any one of them could have dropped that bomb.

Jerusalem, Mecca, Istanbul all suffered similar fates. Holy sites that were sufficiently remote from any major strategic centers, such as Mt. Athos in Greece, Mt. Sinai in Egypt, or the Lumbini temples in Nepal, survived.

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