Aug 23Liked by Wolliver

"The mysterious government facility underneath Black Mesa, Oklahoma has also long evaded their grasp, despite multiple ill-fated attempts to retake it." Prepare for unforseen consequences, Mr. Brannigan.

Have you considered making a population distribution map? That would be a very interesting way to visualize postwar America.

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I haven’t thought of this exactly, although I’ve paid some mind to the populations of the states and their distributions. That might be an interesting side project, but a difficult one. It was already hard to settle on the population figures that I’ve chosen.

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What happened to Oz?

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Australia? They have a very similar disposition to the United States; lots of division, lots of large/medium-sized rump governments and successor governments, and lots of small warlords.

The main difference between Australia and the US’ condition is that Tasmania is entirely controlled by an Australian federal rump government that is almost universally recognized by other countries as the rightful successor of the prewar government. It doesn’t have much influence over the Australian continent, though, and hasn’t been able to capitalize on its foreign support as resourcefully as the USA-Elizabeth City.

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No retard I mean oz like the wizard of oz. Dorothy from kansas travels there. Were they nuked?

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I’m a dumbass, my brain even first thought of Oz as in the Wizard of Oz, but dismissed it as sounding absurd. Yeah idk probably some EMP shit messed with the Wizard’s machine and it isn’t working anymore unless he built a new one.

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