Sep 11Liked by Wolliver

Excellent work, your best entry so far imo. Will we get a look at the Aztlan states on the Mexican side of the border too?

I'm very curious to hear more about Acadia too.

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I’m afraid going into detail about what’s happening in Mexico is beyond the scope of this story. But needless to say, Mexican Aztlan has issues of its own that are roughly analogous to its northern neighbors. Less hijinks involving the US federal government or American militiamen, and more contention with the old cartels, the different factions derived from the Mexican government, and having to accommodate and assimilate a large population of Americanized Hispanics.

Acadia (if you mean the faction in Louisiana) will get covered in the next entry. There’s a lot going on there and they’re one of the more unique factions in the country. If you mean Acadia as in Maine/New Brunswick, there is a small Acadian faction up north as well. Maine will be the very last of the 50 states we cover, but I’ll also go over the US territories and probably have a bonus roundup article to conclude the series.

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